Original Paintings

If you read my biography it talks about my love for painting.  I love all types of paintings.  My obsession with art runs deep from religious to landscapes, fine art portraits and animals.  It spans time from the old Dutch masters entering baroque and rococo through the impressionists into modern and abstract.  My love of classic wildlife and outdoor paintings is my passion. Nothing gives me the feel of the great outdoors like a fine hunting scene, maybe an old worn cabin retreat in the woods or perhaps an old farmstead with the native wildlife residing in its nearby woods and fields. Consider the wind-swept marsh or flooded timber setting with mallards twisting, turning and craning their necks as they look to get in there.

I love the contemporary painters of today’s wildlife sporting art.  Maynard Reece or David Maas, Harry Adamson, and the fabulous Hautman Brothers, Adam Grimm is off the chart great.  But I must admit my love of it goes deep, deeper than today’s incredible artists.  I tend to reach back to artists of long ago, vintage artist like John Scott, Richard Bishop, Francis Lee Jaques and my very favorite, the great Lynn Bogue hunt whose sport paintings and prints, in my little world, are second to none! Hope is an idea that many artists adhere to and live by.  My hope and goal is to join this accomplished class of artist someday!…..Joe Bucher 2016

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